What a wonderful thing to be reminded of in the middle of everything that is going on around us; there is One who sits above everything, One who is above the maelstrom and above the storm. The Lord is high overall and yet He is also the One who is with us in the middle of it all.
The bible gives us two promises which at first glance appear to be contradictory; God is 'high above' all yet he also 'with us wherever' we go. In reality these are two complementary promises, that allow us to see our situation from two different perspectives.
Firstly the bible reveals God to be the 'Most High'. Psalm 47:2 says 'For the Lord, the Most High, is to be feared, a great king over all the earth.' Whatever the situation we face, whether personal, local national or even global, God is above it, He is Sovereign over the earth that He created. We are given a reassuring picture in the book of Revelation chapter 4 that God is seated upon His throne; He is not caught unawares by the current crisis, He is not 'fretting' or worrying about it, He is seated, at rest, upon His throne. This perspective of God is given to give us confidence that there is someone in control, someone who sits above all the difficulties we are facing, all the troubles we are experiencing. The second promise we are given is that God is 'with us'. Joshua 1:9 says 'Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.' What enables us to be strong in hard times, in difficulties and suffering, is the sure and certain knowledge that God is going through this with us. He is with us to comfort us, He is there for us to lean into and draw strength from. This view of God is given to encourage us to know that we are not 'in this' alone, but God is in it with us. He is walking beside us and carries us when necessary.
So how will you view your situation?
Will you recognize that God is sovereign in your situation and say with Isaiah (12:2); 'God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation.' Will you place your trust in him and draw on His strength so that He might become the song in your heart?
Lord help me to see my situation from your perspective; that you are high above it and yet you right here in the middle of it with me.